Before he became a Hollywood legend, Errol Flynn lived the life of an almost always penniless adventurer as he ventured halfway around the world on a quest for greatness.
'JUDGE: You seem to have a peculiar effect on people, Mr Flynn. Women want to take you to bed. Men want to kill you. Would you say that is a fair assessment of your character?
FLYNN: Not entirely. Sometimes women want to kill me too.'
GENRE: Action - Adventure
STATUS: In development. Proposed filming in 2022.
Based on the international bestselling autobiography, My Wicked, Wicked Ways.
INFLUENCES: The Motorcycle Diaries, The 'Hope and Crosby 'Road to...' films.
Writer: Jason Fité
Producers: Eileen Skopnik, Richard Skopnik, Wesley Sawan
Story Synopsis
Papua New Guinea 1932: Twenty-three year-old Tasmanian Devil, Errol Flynn is acquitted of murder and decides to head to England to find fame and fortune. On the boat to Manila he meets Dr Gerrit Koets, an eccentric Dutchman and fellow rogue.
During the sea voyage Flynn falls in love with the alluring Ting Ling O’Connor, Once in Hong Kong she shows him the delights of the opium houses.The two lovers and the Doctor attempt to make their fortune in the casinos. One morning, Flynn awakes to discover that Ting Ling has disappeared with all their money.
The two adventurers gradually make their way west. On the long voyages the youthfully ambitious Flynn tells Koets how he is determined to find fame and fortune.
Hollywood 1938 – Flynn is now one of the world’s biggest film stars but completely fed up with his unhappy marriage and the endless grind of the Hollywood machine. He has achieved the fame and fortune he so desperately desired but feels suicidal.
One morning he is delighted to receive a telegram…